
Client: Unisan

URL: www.unisan.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Office Supplies & Equipment

Case Summary: This family owned and operated sanitation supply business began in California in 1993. They offer companies solutions for workplace hygiene as well as safety and other office supplies. After 6 months with us, Unisan has seen a 47% increase in overall monthly sessions and a 27% increase in monthly revenue.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


Unisan came to us looking to increase their sales and revenue on their new retail website. They also wanted to increase their brand awareness in their local Los Angeles market.

Solution Icon


Some of the work we have completed so far for this sanitation company includes writing optimized copy, obtaining PR links, and redirecting links on their website that were broken. We are also working on compressing images, fixing duplicate product page copy, and creating an HTML sitemap.

Result Icon


After 6 months with us, monthly overall sessions have increased by 47%, new users have increased by 55%, and revenue has increased by 27%. Organic sessions have increased by 30% month over month with the average session duration increasing by 320%. Organic revenue has increased by 15% month over month during this time period as well.

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