Jasper PIM

Client: Jasper PIM

URL: www.jasperpim.com

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Services Provided: PPC, SEO, Social Media

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Software

Case Summary: This product management software company helps businesses manage their products and get them into the hands of consumers.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Jasper PIM came to us looking to get more name recognition and reach a wider audience. They signed on for SEO, PPC, and Social Media Management. On Social, they were looking to gain B2B followers and be presented as an authority in their space.

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We created a strategic plan for social media posts that highlighted their services, their core strengths, and their partners through tagging them in posts. We did this by calling attention to their free offer and their knowledge of ecommerce. We also advised the client on ways to quickly grow their audience by using individual professional and personal networks to share profiles and posts that we created.

Result Icon


Being a B2B company, LinkedIn is a crucial platform. Six months into their campaign, new followers increased by 2,975%, unique visitors by 87%, post impressions by 98%, and custom button clicks by 31%.

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